Building Up Caregivers Builds a Stronger Workplace

In becoming a Caregiver-Friendly workplace, your employer acknowledges the challenges of balancing work and caring for a loved one. A Caregiver-Friendly workplace offers proven resources to help support caregivers, demonstrating your value to the organization, and striving to provide you with the necessary support to relieve some of your work/life stress.

Unpaid Caregiving is on the Rise

NPHF is Ready to Help

Reach out to us today for more information on this and other critical Nevada Public Health programs.

Things to Consider

The core of any organization's program should be flexibility and understanding for employees who are managing caregiving for a loved one. Caregiver-Friendly programs benefit not only you, but your employer as well by:

  • Improving employee morale by making working caregivers feel valued
  • Helping to retain experienced employees
  • Supporting a family-friendly work environment which benefits everyone in the organization